Got a full life? No space for new stuff. So how to stuff something new in? Especially when it’s to do with stuffing yourself - silly ;)
You’ve wanted to try keto. You’ve heard it’s hard. Maybe you’ve even tried it, and decided it’s hard. Yeah. It can be. Because the world is built for carbs. They are everywhere. Especially if you don’t eat or try to avoid meat. So where and how to make keto fit?
Start with WHERE?
The three dimensions of time, space and energy. Ok, there maybe alternative universes or simulations that are happening in parallel (or anti parallel, or whatever direction you’re headed in), but well stick to our 3D world to make keto fit.
Time is precious. The quality kind is a love language for many. And we never have enough of it. Who wants to add meal prep on top. Not happening. Especially when the alternative is netflix and chill, and that comes with ice cream! Now to make keto fit in, of course you can swap your faves to keto alternatives, like keto ice creams, or keto cakes. But here you’ve still lost something, you traded down the carbs, and with it the taste, so that’s a waste of time. The best way to make keto fit in your schedule, is to prioritize your time. You have to make time.
Yes you’re busy. The wake up, the cacao ceremony, the meditation, the yoga flow, the gratitude journal, the 10 step skin routine, the smoothie, the meal prep, the gender neutral hair removal and the adding of lashes, the vitamins and the collagen. All making a difference but not making time. The only way to make time is to stop doing something. We always assume that time comes from watching TV or scrolling insta, and maybe it should. But should is a horrible word. Especially as those are social fun activities in our socially distant, less fun world. How about you give yourself permission to not do something, to make time for keto, at least to start with. Here is a good one, do you dare say no to a dinner or drinks and make yourself a home meal? Or listen to a podcast on keto?
Time is your life in the end. Time is not money like the old saying goes. We may trade some of our time to make money, but money is not time, so time can’t be money – ergo ;) And you know what they say, the best time is right now. So make time, to make keto fit into your life.
Space is constrained, and right now comprises of these same four walls. Anyone else rotating around their dining table for a different view? That’s if you have space for a dining table. Not here in New York. What about your pantry, or rather that one cupboard you have. You have to clear space, to make keto fit in. Actually do it. Do it now. Walk to that pantry, grab a trash bag on your way, and throw out all crap carbs. Yeah, that old microwave popcorn bag and artificial flavoring, yup. The jam with dodgy stuff on the rim. The old taco mix box. The rice and pasta and noodles. Nope you don’t need them and yes your health is worth more than those dollars. Don’t forget to open the packs and separate them for recycling! Clear. It. Out. Now you can make keto fit.
Energy can’t be created, no matter how hard you try.You can make time and space, but you can’t make energy. If keto feels like more work, it’s not gonna happen. So to make keto fit, it has to be the same or less work. Yet, it is hard to start something new, like learning new recipes and products, and where to find them in store or online. There is massive inertia to change. This is the hardest one. Here getting an external push helps – like doing it for someone or something, a family member or a wedding, or getting an accountability buddy, because things are easier together, or changing your environment – like moving Friday nights from dinners to dances, or having coffee walks instead of brunch.
There is a theme here. It’s sharing your goal. That means you need a goal and to say it out loud, and to someone. The goal can be a goal weight, but given you don’t know how you’ll respond, we like starting with goal times. It also means it seems less big and scary to committ to a time limit that is not forever. Change happens a moment a a time. To make keto fit, we suggest setting many small goals, starting with say lets see if you can fast a day, and then get into ketosis (and test that, that’s an awesome moment), then may aim for one or two weeks. Then maybe for three. If you fall off the wagon, you know you can do the steps again. Some suggest removing some foods at a time e.g., just remove sugar but keep more starchy carbs like sweet potatoes. We think that just lenghtens the pain and delays the benefits, but try it (we recommend with a glucose meter so you see how your body is reacting).
Writing a goal and progress down helps. Just try this. Put a note in your phone right now of when your last food was, count how long ago. Congratz, you’re already on your way. Even better is if you tell someone your goal. We’re often shy because we are scared of failure. That’s why realistic goals are so important. So how about making that first goal not snacking until your next meal, and sending a text to a buddy to say that. Sometimes it’s easier if that buddy is not nearby, so maybe join a facebook or insta group, or you can always comment on our feed!
The hardest part is getting going. Once in motion, it’s easier to stay in motion – once you’ve tasted keto it’s easier to stay keto. You’re already further along than few moments ago.
So, onto HOW to make keto fit?
Duh, make it the right shape and the right size. Yup, a round peg for a round hole. Sized just snug ;)
The right shape to make keto fit in your life, is a square. Yup, a square. That’s a very specific shape you are thinking. Is it because many keto peeps are a tad nerdy, maybe a bit square? Some of us don’t even drink. But, nope that’s not what we mean. We mean a square meal! The way to make keto fit in your life is to focus on the meals. Square meals. Real food. Even for the snacks.
The right size to make keto fit in your life, is of course Goldilocks size. Not too big and not too small, but just right. We made KEHO 1.5 oz which is 42gs, because that’s about 200 calories of real food goodness. We’re not huge fans of counting calories, but they are a handy common macro metric. The average dude eats about 3,076 calories a day and the average woman about 2,370 (yeah that 2,000 recommended daily calorie diet on a nutrition label is not very helpful for anyone). That means one KEHO is less than 10% of the daily calories of a person.
Now we’re fans of fasting and OMAD (one meal a day) and other fasting protocols, and tend to prefer eating more earlier in the day and less later in the day, the prince to pauper principle. We’re not actually huge fans of snacking, yikes, yes, a snack brand just said they are not fans of snacking. We are trying to put ourselves out of business before we have began!
We’re just realists, life happens. We miss meals and want treats, and we are keeping those keto. So assuming classic societal three meals a day, split it even steven square to 30%/30%/30% that leaves 10% for KEHO ;) or eat two or even three for a meal.
KEHO is just the right size to make keto fit in your life ;) The answer is always 42 (grams of KEHO goodness!).