Thai’d up? Need a one-handed meal? This is your balanced meal. And nope we don’t mean the SAD (Standard American Diet) balanced diet. We mean perfectly balanced flavors. It's salty, sweet and spicy, and also sour and bitter – delectable contrasting clever combinations. Thai Me Over is walking that tightrope of healthy and yummy, juggling all the flavors. Look mom, no hands! What is it? It’s a Thai. All the flavors are fresh, bright and distinct – and still better together. Peanuts, red bell pepper, peas, coconut, shallots and shiitake mushrooms, with cilantro, ginger, lemongrass, lime and more. Heavy...
No time for a taco truck? Tex Mex Moment is your smoky spicier sidekick. It’s not hot except for its looks. We love eating yummy things in wraps: burritos, tacos, quesadillas – but not the carbs that come with the package. So we took those fave ingredients and put them in a new wrapper, of the fancy foil kind. Yummy any moment. What is it? Smoke without the fire. A Tex Mex Moment is full flavor with warmth. This KEHO features bold, vibrant veggies like red bell pepper, sweet corn, black beans and mushrooms, all dressed up with avocado oil. It has...
What if you could pocket pizza? Yup for real. You get all the best bits of pizza, those tasty toppings without the the carbs, dairy or processed salty salami. This is no pizza powder flavored bar or a bag of chips. The flavor actually comes from the real whole ingredients that top a pizza, otherwise you may as well eat a cheese melt! So skip the pizza table (that little white thing between your pizza and the box) and the wait time, and put a pizza in your pocket! Pizza for breakfast anyone? What is it? Pocket sized pizza power. This one is...
In a hurry? Have a bite of curry. Curry in a hurry is the OG. The idea of KEHO came to our founder on a 10 day silent retreat in India, and Curry in a Hurry was the first bite she created (with some help from her extended Indian family). Curry in a Hurry was selected by the biggest natural foods conference of New Hope as one of the most imaginative keto innovations! It was created to pay homage to Indian cuisine and the UK's cracking curry culture. So crack on with it. What is it? Aromatic nirvana. The...